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Professore Luis Ortiz Blanco

Luis Ortiz Blanco is a partner at the EC and Competition Law Department of Garrigues.  He is a former official of DG Comp of the European Commission.  His main focus is on procedural competition issues and competition matters in the transport markets. 

He is Professor of Procedural Aspects of EC Competition Law and Trade Defence Measures at the College of Europe (Bruges) and of Private International Law at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid.


He also directs the Annual EC and Spanish Competition Law Program at the IEB (Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles), Madrid.


At present, he serves as President of the AEDC (Asociación Española para la Defensa de la Competencia, Spanish section of the Ligue International du Droit de la Concurrence, LIDC), Secretary General of the FIDE (Fédération Internationale de Droit Européen) and Secretary General of the AEDE (Asociación Española para el Estudio del Derecho Europeo, Spanish group within the FIDE).


He also belongs to AEDM (Asociación Española de Derecho Marítimo, Spanish section of the Comité Maritime International, CMI). In addition, he is the Editorial Director of the Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la Competencia (Madrid), and a member of the Advisory Board of the European Competition Journal (Oxford).

His publications include 'EC Competition Procedure' (Second Edition), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006 (Editor). 'Shipping Conferences under EC Antitrust Law', Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2007 and 'Market Power in EC Antitrust Law'. Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2009 (forthcoming).